Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Entry

Welcome to the Arts & Culture Trust (ACT).

Everyone is welcome here and everyone deserves to have the best possible experience with us. Your safety, welfare and enjoyment are important to us.

In entering our Premises, you agree to these Conditions. You must comply with these Conditions and follow the reasonable directions of the ACT, as well as any signage in relation to your entry and use of the Premises.

We reserve the right to deny entry to or remove any person from the Premises.

We consider each case on its own merit and exceptions to these Conditions of Entry are at our complete discretion.

1. Definition of Terms

ACT-ID means a valid ID card issued by the ACT.

Back of House means areas of the Premises that support artists, crew, and Presenting Companies and include dressing rooms, stages, green rooms, production offices, wardrobe rooms, quick change areas and orchestra areas.

Building Operating Hours means the designated periods of time when the Premises are staffed and authorised access is available.

Employees means a person that is hired to provide a service to the ACT either on a full-time, part-time, or casual basis in exchange for payment. For these Conditions of Entry an employee also includes a contractor, subcontractor, self-employed person, outworker, apprentice or trainee, work experience student, employee of a labour hire company placed at ACT venues and volunteers engaged by the ACT.

Event means a performance, activation, exhibition, tour, talk, class or planned gathering of people in a specific area.

Offices means office work areas for the ACT and tenanted companies.

Premises means all internal and external areas of a site managed by the ACT.

Presenting Company means an organisation engaged in a venue hire agreement with us.

Public Opening Hours means the designated periods of time when the Premises are open to the public, either for general public access and / or for Events.

Public Space means areas of the Premises that are generally used by the public. Examples include foyers, balconies, auditoria, amenities, food and beverage outlets.

Tenanted Company / Tenanted Space means an organisation engaged in a tenancy agreement with the ACT to occupy areas of a Premises. Examples are Resident Company offices located in the Premises.

Ticket means an entry pass for an event that has been purchased or obtained through an authorised ticket selling channel.

We, Us, Our, or the ACT means the Arts & Culture Trust, and its Employees.

You or your refers to you, or any person with you, including any dependents or children under your supervision.

2. Where they apply

These Conditions of Entry apply to all persons entering and using Arts and Culture Trust Premises, including and without limitation all performance venues, foyers, function rooms, balconies, outdoor spaces, public spaces, tenanted spaces, office areas, dressing rooms and Back of House areas. For clarity this includes:

  • Albany Entertainment Centre – Princess Royal Theatre, Kalyenup Studio, Hanover Room, Harbourside Foyer, View Restaurant
  • His Majesty’s Theatre – Downstairs at The Maj, His Majesty’s Theatre auditorium, Crew & King, Dress Circle Bar, Upper Circle Bar, Museum Bar, Rehearsal Rooms, tenanted offices, Arts & Culture Trust offices
  • Perth Cultural Centre – public realm outdoor spaces
  • State Theatre Centre of Western Australia – Heath Ledger Theatre, Studio Underground, Middar Room, Rehearsal Room 1, The Courtyard, tenanted offices
  • Subiaco Arts Centre – Main Auditorium, The Studio, The Gallery, Rehearsal Room, Multipurpose Room, Amphitheatre, The Hole in the Wall, and tenanted offices

These Conditions of Entry and the Premises they apply to are subject to change without notice and at the discretion of the ACT.

3. General Conditions – all areas of the Premises

In all areas of our Premises, you are responsible for behaving in a manner that does not interfere with the safety, welfare, and enjoyment of others. Specifically, you must not behave in a way that:

  • Threatens or may threaten the safety of any other person
  • Is rude, aggressive, racist, or discriminatory to any other person, including ACT Employees
  • Unreasonably interferes with the enjoyment of any other person
  • Disrupts and /or stops an Event from proceeding, including after the Event has commenced
  • Is disorderly, including as a result of intoxication
  • Causes or may cause property damage
  • Displays unlawful, disrespectful, or offensive behaviour

The ACT is committed to providing the best possible working environment for Employees and anyone who enters our spaces. You are expected to contribute to an environment that is based on kindness and respect for others. If you experience harassment or feel unsafe, please report it as soon as possible to an ACT Employee.

You must not:

  • Touch, interfere, vandalise, or damage ACT property
  • Touch or interfere with artwork or any objects on display in exhibitions, displays or in the foyer of the Premises unless the item is clearly designated as an interactive element
  • Smoke or use e-cigarettes indoors at the Premises or in any other area at the Premises which is designated non-smoking; please note under the Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2006 WA, smoking is not allowed in building fire escapes, within 5 metres of a public entrance to an enclosed public place, within 10 metres of air conditioning intakes, and within 10 metres from open table dining
  • Take photographs, audio, or video recording where this has been restricted
  • Consume food or drink (including alcohol) purchased outside the Premises that will compromise the ACT’s liquor licence
  • Purchase or consume alcohol at or on the Premises unless you are 18 years of age or older
  • Bring animals into Public Spaces, unless they are registered assistance animals or otherwise approved/allowed
  • Enter areas of the Premises not open to the public, including Back of House and Office areas, unless authorised by the ACT
  • Bring bicycles, motorcycles, skateboards, motorised/electric scooters or segways into the Premises without the express permission of the ACT
  • Fail to follow reasonable instructions of ACT staff or an authorised representative.

4. Personal Belongings and Attire

You must not leave any bags or personal items unattended in Public Spaces.

You must not have in your possession and / or refuse to cloak or surrender to ACT Employees any prohibited items including but not limited to:

  • Illicit substances
  • Dangerous or inappropriate items (e.g. weapons, fireworks)
  • Professional cameras, tripods, or a selfie stick
  • Bags or Back Packs over A3 size (30 cm x 42 cm)
  • Large umbrellas
  • Glow sticks, laser pointers, poles, or “Totems”
  • Promotional material of any kind, unless authorised by the ACT

We reserve the right to:

  • Inspect and search you and your belongings prior to entry to the Premises and / or while you are on the Premises
  • Require any bag, pram, or large personal items to be stored in our cloakroom which may attract a fee
  • Exclude all bags or personal items from the Premises when deemed appropriate
  • Deny entry or remove you from the Premises if you refuse to comply with these Conditions. Ticket refunds are not available in this circumstance, unless in accordance with Consumer Law

Whilst there is no formal dress code for attending the Premises, you must be appropriately clothed with clothing suitable to the activity in which you are participating and / or attending. Shoes must be worn at all times.

Inappropriate or unauthorised commercial, political, religious images/logos etc. that are offensive cannot be worn or displayed at any time.

Items that conceal your identity (e.g. scarf, balaclava, mask, or other item) are only permitted for religious, medical, or other justifiable reasons.

5. Entry to Events and Public Spaces

You are welcome and permitted to enter our Public Spaces during Public Opening Hours. Certain areas may have restricted access at the discretion of the ACT.

You must have a valid Ticket to attend an Event. We reserve the right to remove you from the Premises if you do not have a valid ticket, if we have not received full payment for your ticket, or if you are unable to produce a ticket.

You must have appropriate evidence of entitlement when attending an Event with a concession ticket. You may only sit in an allocated seat or be in an allocated area of a venue if you have a valid Ticket for that seat or area.

Despite any seat number on your ticket, we do not guarantee you any particular seat and we reserve the right to move you to another seat for operational reasons or where unforeseen production elements may impact the view from or require the use of the seat (such as for production equipment). If we need to re-seat you, we will use reasonable endeavours to ensure it is in a location of at least comparable value to the seat you booked or refund you the difference in value.

You are permitted to leave a Venue and / or the Premises at any time and for any reason. Once an Event has commenced, at the ACT’s discretion, you may only be admitted or re-admitted to a Venue during a suitable break in the Event and / or to a different seating location.

For some Events, admittance after its commencement may be subject to a latecomers policy which may see audience arriving after the commencement of an Event being seated at a suitable break or time in the Event, or re-admittance to an Event if you choose to leave may not be possible at all. Ticket refunds are not available in these circumstances, unless in accordance with Consumer Law.

If you are required to stand to view an Event, this will be clearly communicated to you when you purchase a ticket for that Event. In these circumstances, a viewing area for wheelchair users will be available.

For certain wheelchair or accessible spaces in our venues, you may experience difficulty seeing over the people in front of you, depending on the height of your wheelchair. ACT Employees will do their best to support you when visiting the venue.

Food & Drink may be permitted inside Venues for Events. You will be notified before or at the Event of any food and drink restrictions.

We reserve the right to move you to an alternative seat and / or area, or remove you from the Premises, if we believe you are causing a disruption to artists, performers or other audience members or are interfering unreasonably with others’ enjoyment. Further information on ticketing is contained in our Transaction Terms and Conditions.

6. Entry to Back of House and Offices.

Authorised Entry to Back of House and Offices is permitted during Building Operating Hours.

If you enter Back of House and Offices, you must be authorised by the ACT and have a valid reason to enter any specific rooms and /or spaces within these areas. You must sign in upon entry and sign out upon leaving using the ACT’s designated system. You must carry and have visible at all times a valid ACT-ID, unless you are in costume, on stage or performing. Temporary passes are available at the Premises.

You are permitted and welcome to be in authorised Back of House or authorised Office areas unescorted if you meet all of the criteria below:

  • You are an ACT Employee or authorised contractor, Presenting Company staff, crew, artist, corporate event personnel or function guest
  • You have completed an up-to-date safety induction
  • You are carrying out work duties for the ACT or a Presenting Company

If you do not meet the above criteria and are using or visiting Back of House or Office areas, you must be authorised by the ACT and escorted at all times.

7. Access within Premises

Venue hire agreements provide clarity of which Back of House areas Presenting Companies can occupy and use during their hire period. Other Back of House areas not included in the venue hire agreement should not be accessed without authorisation from the ACT.

ACT Employees & Contractors are permitted to enter areas hired to Presenting Companies in order to carry out their work duties. This can include but is not limited to venue tours, stakeholder engagement activities and daily maintenance.

ACT Employees & Contractors carrying out essential building management or emergency management duties may enter any area of a Premises at their complete discretion.

Unless otherwise authorised, Employees of the ACT and Tenanted Companies are only permitted to enter their own Offices.

8. Children

Unless expressly specified, children under the age of 15 are welcome and must at all times be under the supervision of a responsible adult (18 years of age or older) when attending the Premises. Our Terms and Conditions of Purchase provide ticketing details for children attending events. For children aged 15 years old or over, parental / guardian discretion should be exercised regarding whether they can attend the Premises without supervision.

Certain events may be classified as an Over 18 Event. When this applies, only adults who are 18 years of age or older and hold a valid form of ID will be permitted into these Events. Anyone under the age of 18 will not be permitted.

Unless authorised and appropriately supervised Children under the age of 15 are not permitted in Back of House areas where rigging, maintenance, event building tasks and technical equipment operations occur.

9. CCTV and Use of your image

CCTV security cameras operate on the Premises and you acknowledge that you may be filmed when attending the Premises. From time to time, ACT, its agents, and licensees may also film, record or photograph you when on Premises for marketing, promotional or educational purposes.

You consent to and authorise us to film, record or photograph you when on Premises. Further, you also consent to the use and / or reproduction of you image or likeness incidental to any audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication in any medium or context for any purpose without further authorisation by, or compensation or attribution to you. All recordings are our sole property and you release us from liability arising on account of such usage.

Recording (photography and filming on any device) by audiences at a Venue is not permitted whilst the Event is in progress, unless advised at the time of attendance.

10. Liability

You enter the Premises at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the ACT will not be responsible for any loss, damage, harm, or injury arising from your entry to the Premises. This includes but is not limited to property damage, theft, and personal injury (physical and psychosocial).

ACT is committed to providing a safe environment for all who attend our Premises. Where the ACT believes that an Event has been or will be impacted by a health and safety risk, including a pandemic like COVID-19, the ACT may modify or not proceed with an Event. All persons who attend the Premises are assumed to have assessed the risk of transmission of any illness or otherwise, including thorough consideration of their own health condition, in making the decision to attend the Premises.

11. Other Conditions

Certain Events may have specific conditions. These will be clearly communicated to you at the Premises and /or before you attend the Event.

These Conditions prevail in the event of inconsistency with any specific conditions which may apply.

Personal information will not be passed onto any third party unless prior approval is obtained from the individual or unless legally required to do so. Information is collected in accordance with the principles of the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) and the Privacy Act 1988.

12. Feedback

Feedback on your experience at the Arts & Culture Trust is welcome and valued.

You can provide feedback at any time via our website artsculturetrust.wa.gov.au or email [email protected].

We will use all reasonable endeavours to understand issues and provide a resolution. If you wish to provide feedback about our Venue or services, we ask that you do so within five (5) days after the relevant Event or issue.


Transaction Terms and Conditions

Before Transacting with us, please read these Terms and Conditions carefully.

1. Definitions

Authorised Agent means:

  • The Arts and Culture Trust’s (ACT) in-house ticketing and transaction service.

  • An organisation authorised by the ACT, a Venue or a Presenter to Transact on behalf of the ACT, Venue or Presenter. For clarity - only the ACT can approve Authorised Agent’s for Events at an ACT Venue.

Event means a performance, activation, exhibition, tour, talk, class or planned gathering of people in a specific area.

Presenter means an organisation presenting an Event. If the Event is in an ACT Venue, the organisation will be engaged under a venue hire agreement with the ACT.

Product means a transaction that is not a Ticket for admission to an Event. Examples include merchandise, food and beverage items and parking.

Ticket means an entry pass for an event that has been purchased or obtained through an Authorised Agent.

Transact / Transacted / Transacting means purchasing a Ticket, Gift Voucher and/or Product, obtaining a free Ticket and/or Product, and/or making a donation.

Unauthorised Seller means individuals and organisations who are not Authorised Agents.

Venue means the place (and/or organisation managing the place) where an Event is held.

We / Us / Our / the ACT means the Arts and Culture Trust.

You means the person Transacting or seeking to attend an Event.

2. Application of Terms and Conditions

Transactions and attendance at an Event are subject to these Terms and Conditions at the time of transaction, as well as any specific terms and conditions notified via the Event, Product or Fundraising Campaign webpage. You must not complete your transaction unless you agree with all Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions continue to apply even if a Ticket is provided to a third party by any means and any subsequent holder of a Ticket will be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions may also apply to transactions by Authorised Agents other than the ACT.

These Terms and Conditions incorporate the Live Performance Australia (LPA) Ticketing Code of Practice – Consumer Code, which sets out a code of conduct for the sale of tickets to live events including consumer rights.

The ACT may update, replace or vary these Terms and Conditions at any time, including specific Terms and Conditions for Events. Changes will be made effective by posting them on the ACT’s website and will apply to all transactions from that date.

3. Authorised Agents

Transactions must be processed through an Authorised Agent. Tickets are only valid when transacted through an Authorised Agent. The ACT reserves the right to cancel and not refund any Ticket it reasonably believes has been bought or sold by an Unauthorised Seller.

We are always an Authorised Agent for Transactions relating to our Premises and/or in our Venues. Alongside the ACT, the following arts organisations are always Authorised Agents for Events presented by them in our Venues:

  • Black Swan State Theatre Company
  • Fringe World Festival
  • Perth Festival
  • West Australian Ballet
  • West Australia Opera

If an Event has additional or different Authorised Agents, these will be listed on the Event page on our website.

For transactions that you make from an Unauthorised Seller:

  • Transactions may be cancelled without notice and without refund. The ACT has no responsibility for providing you with a refund in these circumstances.
  • Ticket holders may be refused admission to an Event.
  • We will not be able to provide customer service and support to you for your transaction, which includes any confirmation of Ticket validity, any communication about the Event and any refund that may be available regarding the Event.

4. Resale

Tickets may only be re-sold in line with the Ticket Scalping Act 2021 (WA).

Where the ACT has reasonable grounds to believe that you or a person associated with you is not complying with Ticket Scalping Act 2021 (WA), the ACT reserves the right to:

  • cancel Tickets without refund
  • block that person from further transactions
  • block the web login or credit card/s associated with that person from Transacting

The ACT can only provide information on a transaction and process any changes/remedies like a refund on a transaction to the original ticket purchaser (the person that completed the transaction with the Authorised Agent).

Products may not be resold for a premium without authorisation from the ACT.

5. User Account

Prior to an online transaction, you may be required to register for a user account and to nominate an email address and password for your account. You must maintain the confidentiality and security of your user account (including your password) and must not provide it to any other person.

You are responsible for the use of the online transaction function and all transactions conducted using your account. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your account, you should immediately reset your password to secure your account and then notify the ACT.

6. Transaction Purchasing & Pricing

In the interests of maintaining fair access to Tickets, we may place limits on the number of Tickets and / or Products that you can purchase. The ACT reserves the right to cancel any transaction exceeding those limits.

The ACT will advise of any known restricted viewing information prior to the purchase of a Ticket.

The use of automated means to Transact is strictly prohibited. The ACT reserves the right to cancel any transactions where it is known or reasonably suspected that automated means have been used to Transact.

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and are inclusive of GST (where applicable).

Tickets advertised at a particular price will be available at that price for a reasonable period of time and in reasonable quantities.

Ticket and Product prices may be subject to demand-based pricing changes without notice. This may see prices increase or decrease at any time without notice during a sales period.

Fees may apply to each transaction. A breakdown of applicable fees is available prior to Transacting.

You warrant that you have the authority to make payment for your transaction and that you own / hold or have express permission of the owner / holder of the credit card or other payment facility used to complete the transaction.

If the amount paid by you for your transaction is incorrect for any reason (including item price and fee amount where the error was due to an error in a price posted on the ACT’s website or otherwise communicated to you or human error or technical malfunction), the ACT may cancel the transaction and refund you the amount paid. Where the purchase was a Ticket, the ACT may offer you a replacement Ticket to you at the correct price.

We reserve the right to change any element of our sales structure, including but not limited to reserves, capacities and pricing, at any time and without notice.

7. Companion Card

The ACT is an affiliate of the Companion Card program and admits carers to Events as Ticketed complimentary guests. Products are not covered under this Scheme and will not be issued as complimentary.

The use of a Companion Card is restricted to people who are unable to participate at a particular Venue or Event without attendant care support. Details of use are contained on the Companion Card website companioncard.org.au.

Only the person whose photograph and name appear on the card can use the Companion Card. The companion must sit in the nearest available seat to the cardholder to assist them during their visit as needed.

A valid Companion Card or Companion Card number must be entered or produced at the time of Transacting, at the point of Ticket collection and / or on request whilst at the Event to gain access to the Companion Card Scheme offer.

The complimentary Companion Ticket is not valid unless the cardholder is present at the Event to which the Ticket relates. The Companion Ticket holder may be charged for the Ticket if the requirements above are not met.

8. Transaction Confirmation & Delivery

When you Transact with us you will be given a confirmation number to confirm your transaction. If you do not receive a confirmation number or are otherwise concerned that your transaction was not successful, you must contact us for confirmation of your transaction. The ACT takes no responsibility for incomplete transactions including where you have not received a confirmation number but have made no attempt to confirm the transaction.

Delivery will only be made upon receipt of full payment for your transaction. For Tickets, you may request one of these delivery methods, additional fees may apply.

Digital Ticket: Delivery of Tickets via email. Each valid digital Ticket has a unique identifier. This unique identifier allows one entry only so please ensure that each individual attending the Event has their own digital Ticket. Do not post your digital Ticket online or give a copy of your digital Ticket to anyone.

Post: You should allow a minimum of 14 days for Tickets and / or Products to be delivered.

Venue Collection: Available to collect during Customer Service operating hours for the Venue by the credit card holder or their authorised representative. The person collecting the Tickets may need to present the order confirmation number, the credit card used to purchase Tickets, photo identification and valid proof of any concession entitlement. If collecting a Product, we recommend calling the Venue in advance to ensure your Product is in stock and available for collection.

The ACT at its discretion reserves the right to hold Ticket delivery via any method and not issue Tickets (including digital and reissued Tickets) until up to one hour prior to the Event advertised start time.

It is your responsibility to keep your Tickets safe. Replacement of lost, stolen or missing Tickets may be permitted at our sole discretion and fees may apply. The ACT may not provide replacement Tickets where Tickets are for general admission rather than allocated seating.

9. Event Changes & Information

While we endeavour to keep you informed, details may change sometimes with little or no notice. For example, artists or other participants may be added, withdrawn or substituted or the Venue may change. It is standard practice to use understudies where the principal performer is unavailable for reasons outside the Presenter’s control, or where the performer is not required by his or her contract to perform. You will be advised of the use of any understudies when attending the Event.

It is also standard practice for multiple casts to be performing across a season of Events. You will be advised of the specific cast for your Event prior to the commencement of the Event. You will be made aware of the identity of the support acts, where known. If this is not known, you will be made aware of where you can obtain the information prior to the Event. You will be made aware of any changes to the advertised support act(s) or performer(s) at the Event.

Despite any seat number on your ticket, we do not guarantee you any particular seat. If we need to allocate a different seat to you for operational reasons, including a change of Venue, we will use reasonable endeavours to ensure it is in a location of comparable value to the seat number on your ticket.

Advertising for Events with adult themes or contentious content will include information about the recommended age for attendees. As soon as this information is known, it will be available on our website for your review prior to Transacting. In Transacting you have agreed that you have understood such information including any warnings, and made your decision to attend the Event. If you attend the Event and then subsequently leave you are not entitled to a refund unless required by law (including Australian Consumer Law).

For some Events, the artist or Presenter may encourage audience members to actively engage with the performance in some way, for example by standing up, waving or dancing. This may impact on visibility in some seating locations. Where this is known to the ACT, you will be advised of any restricted viewing information prior to Transacting.

10. Refunds

You will be entitled to a Ticket refund as required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law). Provided that you purchased your Ticket through an Authorised Agent, you will be entitled to a refund on your Ticket where:

  • The Event is cancelled and not rescheduled.
  • The Event is rescheduled and you cannot or do not wish to attend.
  • The Event is significantly relocated, and the nature of the experience and/or geographic location of the Event is fundamentally altered by the relocation.
  • An Event is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances that arise during the Event, leaving the Event uncompleted. (Note however that if a substantial proportion of the Event is completed then, depending on the circumstances, the ACT may determine that a refund or exchange is not warranted in which case a refund or exchange right will not apply).

In the case of Event reschedules and relocations, we will advise you of the cut-off date for requesting a refund. The cut-off date will be at least 4 weeks from the date we advise you of the change unless the date of the new event is less than 8 weeks away, in which case you must apply for a refund prior to the mid-point between the announcement and the Event. For example, if the new event is six (6) weeks away, you will have three (3) weeks in which to request a refund. You will not be entitled to a refund if your request is made after the cut-off date.

You will not be entitled to a refund or exchange if:

  • Your Ticket was free or complimentary.
  • You did not enjoy the Event or were dissatisfied with the Event.
  • You are unable to attend for reasons outside the ACT’s control including but not limited to; illness; illness of any person accompanying you to the Event, or other person for whom you need to care; transport failure or delay; lack of nearby parking, or where you choose not to attend the Event.
  • You arrive late to an Event and are refused entry on the grounds that latecomers will not be admitted, or you are delayed admission or readmission until a suitable break in the Event.
  • You have been refused entry to or evicted from the Event or Venue.
  • A performance has been made by an understudy in the place of a main performer, provided that you have been made aware of the use of an understudy at the Event.
  • Where multiple casts perform across a season, you were not satisfied with the cast at a particular performance.
  • An opening or support act is cancelled or replaced or if the acts appearing at a festival change, provided that you are made aware of the cancellation, replacement or change at the Event.
  • The advertised Ticket price is changed in response to varying levels of consumer demand.
  • Additional seats or additional dates are released for presentation of the Event.
  • Tickets for a general admission Event are lost or stolen.

Refunds will be paid to the original Ticket purchaser and original method of payment. Proof of identity and and/or proof of purchase (including the original ticket) may be requested.

Refunds may not necessarily be available at the Venue and at the time the refund is requested.

Refunds will be limited to the face value of the Ticket plus any fees. Refunds will not include costs imposed by external suppliers that you were not obliged to incur but chose to incur, such as registered or express post fees, courier charges or insurance. Where Tickets to multiple Events are purchased in a single order, the ACT will not refund fees relating to other Tickets.

Unless required by law, the ACT will not reimburse you for auxiliary expenses incurred in connection with your attendance or non-attendance at an event, including a cancelled, rescheduled or relocated event. Auxiliary expenses include, but are not limited to, the cost of travel, meals, car-parking, child-care and accommodation.

Unless required by law (including the Australian Consumer Law), Products and donations will not be refunded or exchanged.

11. Gift Vouchers

You are welcome to purchase a Gift Voucher to any monetary value which can be redeemed for Tickets or donations made available through the ACT’s in-house ticketing service.

Gift Vouchers and unused portions of Gift Vouchers should be spent within 36 months from the date of purchase, which is the “expiry” date displayed on the Gift Voucher.

When available, you may also purchase a Gift Voucher for a specific Event. These vouchers may only be to a specific monetary value reflecting the price of Tickets to that Event. These

Gift Vouchers can only be redeemed for Tickets to that Event. These Gift Vouchers must be spent by the end of the event season, which is the “expiry date” displayed on the Gift Voucher.

Any unused balance will not be refunded or credited on expiry. Gift Vouchers are non-refundable. Gift Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash. Additional values cannot be added to an existing voucher; however, additional vouchers may be purchased.

Only Gift Vouchers issued by the ACT can be redeemed through the ACT website and ACT Box Offices. Gift Vouchers issued by other Authorised Agents must be redeemed through that Authorised Agent, even if the Gift Voucher can be redeemed for Events in our Venues.

If your transaction exceeds the amount of your Gift Voucher, you must pay for the balance with an alternate available payment method.

Gift Vouchers replacements will not be issued for lost or stolen Gift Vouchers.

The standard fees and charges must be applied to all Gift Voucher transactions.

We may request an alternative form of payment if we have reason to believe that a Gift Voucher has been fraudulently obtained and is being used to make purchases.

12. Conditions of Entry

We may refuse entry to our Premises if you fail to comply with these Transaction Terms and Conditions and / or our Conditions of Entry. In these circumstances, Tickets may not be exchanged or refunded unless required by law (including Australian Consumer Law).

Please read our Conditions of Entry prior to arrival.

13. Tickets for Children

Children who have not yet turned two years old are welcome and will generally be admitted into an Event at no cost and without a Ticket. In these cases, children will not be allocated a seat and must be seated on an accompanying adult’s lap for the duration of the Event.

Some Events do require children under the age of two to be admitted with a Ticket - particularly for performances programmed specifically for this age group. If this is the case, this requirement will be clearly stated on the Event’s webpage for your review prior to Transacting. As stated in our Conditions of Entry, any person (regardless of age) interrupting the enjoyment of others may be asked to leave an Event and / or Venue.

14. Privacy

You may be asked to provide personal information (including email address, postal address and other contact information) when Transacting. Please ensure that you provide current, complete, and accurate information. If you do not provide personal information when requested, we may not be able to fulfil your transaction and may not be able to contact you to give you information about an Event or to advise you of changes to the Event including cancellation.

By Transacting, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure and handling of your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.

15. Liability

The ACT will not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury to the extent arising from your negligent acts or omissions, any pre-existing medical condition, your breach of these Terms and Conditions, or your reliance on reviews and opinions about Events and performers. You should make your own further inquiries before deciding whether an Event is suitable.

You are responsible for your personal possessions such as bags, mobile phones and other items you carry with you at an Event.

Our liability to you in relation to Tickets is limited to the obligations specified in these Transaction Terms and Conditions, our obligations under applicable laws and the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice – Consumer Code.

The Australian Consumer Law provides certain statutory guarantees for consumers which cannot be excluded, for example that services will be provided with due care and skill. Nothing in these Transaction Terms and Conditions modifies or excludes those guarantees.

16. No Waiver

We reserve the right to enforce these Transaction Terms and Conditions if you have Transacted for an Event in contravention of these Terms and Conditions and you attempt to attend the Event; or if we have not enforced our rights under these Transaction Terms and Conditions on a prior occasion.

17. Guided Tours

Without limiting any other provision, the following provisions apply to guided tours:

  • the tour route and access to Venues, including theatres, auditoriums and backstage areas, vary depending on availability and performance and rehearsal schedules so no particular route or access is guaranteed;
  • Ticket holders must remain with the tour guide and follow instructions;
  • latecomers will not be able to join a tour and their Tickets will not be refunded;
  • there may be numerous stairs on a tour so flat, rubber soled shoes should be worn.

18. Feedback

Feedback on your experience at the Arts & Culture Trust is welcome and valued.

You can provide feedback at any time via our website artsculturetrust.wa.gov.au or email [email protected].

We will use all reasonable endeavours to understand issues and provide a resolution. If you wish to provide feedback about our Venue or services, we ask that you do so within five (5) days after the relevant Event or issue.